FemInEM is pleased to support the 40th Annual Emergency Medicine in Yosemite Conference. Ron Crowell and the organizers of EM in Yosemite committed last year to increasing that gender diversity of speakers at their conference- and and the proof is in the lineup!
Here is a message from Ron:
I am pleased to announce the 40th edition of Emergency Medicine in Yosemite January 10-13th, 2018. The program has refined for this year with the exciting addition of leading women EPs. We will have the
celebration of 40 years, as intended, with the attendance of many of the trailblazers of Emergency Medicine.
This unique course, co-sponsored by the California Chapter of ACEP, presents a first class CME program in one of the world’s most beautiful and inspirational places, Yosemite Valley. The program is unique in that it has a parallel evening program for the entire family, with artists and photographers presenting their work along with speakers with expertise in all manner of subjects relating to the “human condition.” The group activities, including guided afternoon hikes, facilitate keeping up with old friends and making new friends. Some of our attendees have been coming for 20-30 years.
An extra attraction, during our time in the Park, is a special Visiting Chef’s program, held at the Majestic Hotel, with cooking demonstrations, wine tasting and special banquet dinners.
You find out more about the Conference here: