It’s unlikely that you’ve been happy with everything that has happened politically in the last decade.  As a solution, I recommend that you don’t just stew and become frustrated, but instead take steps to get more involved!

Physicians wield enormous political influence when we work together.  In surveys, members of the public consistently identify physicians as one of the most trusted professions.  When physicians meet with politicians, political leaders understand that we represent not only ourselves and others in our profession, but also the hundreds of patients that we meet every month, who may also be constituents.

However, our representative organizations – the American Medical Association (AMA), the American College of Emergency Physicians (ACEP), and our state medical associations – need to hear our voices in order to represent us. In this talk, you’ll hear an overview of the current political landscape for emergency care, and then some tips on how you can take action to influence organized medicine.

Strong female leaders have improved these organizations countless times, and I encourage you to start showing up and getting involved in order to find fulfillment in your career and help propel these organizations forward.

Watch the full FIX17 talk below!