Dr. Jessica Willett is a practicing Emergency Medicine physician based out of Northern California. As a former EMT, her background in medicine is rooted in prehospital care and she has a passion for trauma and helicopter EMS. She currently works as the base hospital medical director for the County trauma receiving center, as well as facilitating prehospital education as the hospital’s EMS liaison. She is also involved in global health and humanitarian work, acting as a member of various international aid organizations. She believes in promoting well-being as a primary component of medicine and seeks to spread awareness and education on mental health among those who provide medical care. In line with her own self-care, she is an avid writer and traveler and is always planning her next big trip. You can read about her experiences and insights on her website – www.flyingphoenixmd.com and interact with her on twitter or instragram @jkwillettmd.