Congratulations to Dr. Elaine Situ-LaCasse for winning the 2016 SAEM Academy of Emergency Ultrasound Resident Research Award. Dr. Situ-LaCasse is an Emergency Medicine Chief Resident at the University of Arizona, graduating in June 2016.
Over the past 3 years, she has built the foundation for an outstanding academic career, focused on academic emergency ultrasound. After graduation, she will stay at the University of Arizona as an Emergency Ultrasound Fellow. She has been interested in Emergency Ultrasound since third year of medical school, citing her Emergency Ultrasound rotation as the catalyst for her to change her residency plans from Pediatrics to Emergency Medicine. At the end of her intern year, she received an award for excellence in Emergency Ultrasound. She later joined the Ultrasound Track, an option for residents who wish to have more emergency ultrasound training and to become involved in ultrasound research.
Elaine is currently working on multiple research projects with Emergency Ultrasound faculty members. Most recently she was awarded the Arizona ACEP Seed Grant for her project focused on identification of diastolic dysfunction in patients in the Emergency Department. She also received Emergency Medical Foundation Scholarship to attend the 2015-2016 ACEP Emergency Medicine Basic and Research Skills (EMBRS) Workshop. She plans to stay in academics, continue to conduct scholarly research and educate residents and medical students. Dr. Situ-LaCasse is a unique individual who possesses the rare combination of intellect, motivation, and commitment and will become an outstanding leader in emergency medicine.
Congratulations Dr. Situ-LaCasse