Congratulations to Dr. Kerryann Broderick for winning the 2016 AAWEP Outstanding Mentor Award!
Dr. Broderick has been a beloved mentor to countless residents during her time in the emergency department at Denver Health. Additionally, she has demonstrated commitment to mentorship and service through her numerous positions within national emergency medicine organizations. She has served as 2011-2012 chair of the ACEP Scientific Assembly Education Curriculum Committee as well as 2011-2013 chair of the American Association of Women in Emergency Medicine. She has been board member for the American Board of Emergency Medicine since 2011. Additionally, she has served in leadership positions at the Colorado College of Emergency Physicians and has served on numerous national and local education committees. Dr. Broderick has a passion for the underserved and addicted as evidenced by her work in injury prevention.
Dr. Broderick is a caring and committed physician and leader within emergency medicine and is a beloved mentor to the hundreds of residents and faculty, both female and male alike, whose lives she has touched.
Congratulations Dr. Broderick!