Kara Martin Snyder is the Owner/Strategist over at vital corps, a health + lifestyle studio located at the 3-way intersection of functional health, self-care and strategic action. Her clients have even referred to her as The Poo Whisperer or their secret weapon. Kara's not your run of the mill, woo-woo wellness coach, though. Sure, she's got the classroom and professional creds that many health coaches have but she's also got an arsenal of bad-assery stemming from her experience in the boardroom, kitchen, and personal experience with the effects of chronic stress - namely Irritable Bowel Syndrome. Additionally, she’s the creator/host of Le vital corps Salon podcast. Serving frazzled,Type-A women since 2009, Kara deconstructs the broken processes in her clients' lives, investigates why they might feel not-so-great, and co-creates actionable steps towards a healthier life – a life spiked with passion and slathered with joy. Her work has been featured in Prevention, the Wall Street Journal and Fortune magazine among others. To learn more: Sign up for her newsletter at http://eepurl.com/-o2A5 or listen to an episode of Le vital corps Salon podcast at http://vitalcorpswellness.com/.